Snow mountain garlic

(2 customer reviews)

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Ek pothi lahsun… or Kashmiri garlic grows at an high altitude in a climate with extremely low oxygen levels and snowy conditions.

It is one of the purest varieties due to the region where it is grown and the lack of industrial pollutants in the soil
Benefits :
  • Good source of manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B6 & C
  • Contains enzymes allinin & allinase, when crushed it forms allicin which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties
  • Highly recommended for good health and beneficial for Heart Ailments.
Uses : 
  • Can be used raw and cooked
  • To maximize the effect, crush or mince before using
  • Garlic pearls can be crushed and swallowed by drinking one glass of water
  • Can be used in any recipe that calls for garlic

2 reviews for 2

  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

  2. Chandrasekaran Ramachandran (verified owner)

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